If you cancel your reservation before the 12 hour window you will not be charged. To cancel a class, please log into your online account and click the cancel button or call The Training Lab, and our staff will gladly assist you. Please note, you must speak with one of our TTL team members live; voicemail messages left after the close of business for a morning class will not be honored.

Unlimited Package holders will be assessed a cancellation fee of $20 per incidence for any late cancellation or no show. All unlimited package clients must have credit on file.

Please arrive 5 minutes before each class and 10 minutes early for your first class to get acquainted with The Training Lab. If you are running late, please call the lab to let us know. If you are running late and we have not heard from you by the start of class, any wait-listed or drop-ins who are physically present may take your place in class. We do not allow clients into the class more than 5 minutes after the class start time.


Please lock your bags and other personal belongings in our digital lockers before entering the studio or place small belongings in the cubbies located inside the studio. We are not responsible for lost or missing personal items.


Classes and trainer assignments are subject to change. Pricing is subject to change without notice. All class packages are transferable but non-refundable; there are no exceptions. Single classes expire 1 month from the date of purchase, 5 class packages expire 2 months from the date of purchase, 10 class packages expire 4 months from the date of purchase, and 20 class packages expire 6 months from the date of purchase. Monthly unlimited packages expire 31 days from the date of activation. Monthly unlimited packages are activated when purchased. For health and safety reasons, all unlimited packages are limited to 2 classes per day. Any extension request for class packages will incur a $50 fee.


This Membership Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made as of the Agreement Date by and between The Training Lab NYC  and the undersigned (the “Member”) and sets forth the terms of the Member’s membership (the “Membership”) with TTL.

This Agreement incorporates the TTL Rules and Policies (the “Rules and Policies”) which can be found on the TTL website at

Contract Duration and Automatic Renewal: This Agreement is in force for the Term beginning on the Contract Start Date, with automatic monthly renewal unless cancelled by either the Member or TTL, with notification of at least 5 days in advance of the next Billing Date, which begin on the Contract Start Date and continue thereafter on the same day of each month for the duration of the Term (the “Billing Date”).

Payment: The Member agrees to pay the Membership Fee for the Term of the Agreement.

Cancellations: Members may cancel a month-to-month Membership at any time with no penalty (please give 5 days notice to prevent billing errors). For all other Memberships, Members may cancel their membership without paying an Early Termination Fee (as defined below) if (i) the Member permanently relocates more than Twenty Five (25) miles further from the location of the TTL facility (the “Facility”) than the address listed above, provided the Member notifies TTL of the move prior to five (5) days in advance of the next Billing Date (“Relocation”); or (ii) the Member suffers a physical disability that will prevent him or her from using the Facility for more than six (6) months as long as the cancellation notice is accompanied by a Doctor’s note documenting the injury and the prognosis (“Serious Injury”). The Member may cancel his or her Membership by notifying TTL of his or her wish to cancel in writing or in person at anytime prior to five (5) days in advance of the next Billing Date. There are no refunds for Membership Fees.

Membership Holds/Freezes: There are no holds/freezes for month-to-month Memberships. For all other Memberships, TTL will hold/freeze free of charge for up to 6 months with a Doctor’s note as described above. Account freezes for any other reason will be charged at $50/month for a maximum of one (1) month for the 6 month unlimited membership or three months for the annual membership. Freeze requests must be sent to Acknowledgment and confirmation must be sent for the freeze to go into effect. Regardless of any holds or freezes, the Member’s participation in the Autopay Program will remain uninterrupted. Any frozen time will be added to the end of the original contract term

Early Termination Fee: Except for month-to-month Memberships, a fee of One Thousand dollars ($1000.00) or the remaining balance of the membership (Whichever is less) shall apply in all circumstances of cancellation before the Term has ended (“Early Termination Fee”), except for cancellations caused by Serious Injury as described above. If the Member enters into a new Agreement with TTL subsequent to an early termination, the Early Termination Fee can be applied as a credit toward a new Membership Fee.

Late Class Cancel: TTL reserves the right to penalize Late Cancels with a Twenty Dollar ($20) cancellation fee. As used herein, a “Late Cancel” shall mean a failure to cancel a missed class reservation 12 hours before such class begins. The first infraction of this rule will be resolved with a warning and every infraction thereafter, a cancellation fee will be charged to the Member’s credit/debit card on file. The management of TTL reserves the right to amend this Late Class Cancel policy at any time.

Credit Card Authorization: The Member agrees and acknowledges the following: (a) the Member hereby agrees to purchase the above referenced “Type of Membership” for the above “Membership Fee,” as an automatic charge to the provided credit card, or automatic debit to the Member’s checking account, each month for the Term of this Agreement; (b) the Member hereby certifies that he or she is the holder of the credit card, or an authorized signer on the bank checking account detailed below; (c) the Member understands that he or she will be notified if the credit card or checking account payment fails to authorize for any reason, and that a $30 late fee will apply; (d) the Member understands that the Membership will be cancelled if the Member’s TTL account becomes more than thirty (30) calendar days late, and all remaining balance will remain outstanding.

Member’s Default: The Member shall be deemed in default of this Agreement upon the failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including, but not limited to, the obligation to make any payment when due, as well as failure to comply with the Rules and Policies.  TTL reserves the right to suspend or cancel any Member’s Membership upon default of this Agreement without a right to be refunded any prepaid Membership Fees and without relieving the Member of any payment obligations set forth in the Agreement.

Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risk: The Member understands and agrees that he or she is voluntarily participating in physical activities which may expose the Member to some level of risk and/or injury, and the Member represents that he or she is aware of the nature of these activities and freely and willingly accepts any and all risks associated with participation in these activities. The Member represents that he or she is in good physical health, and the Member shall notify TTL in writing if he or she becomes unable to participate in physical activity. In consideration of TTL’s allowing the Member to participate in the activities provided by TTL and to use the Facility, the Member hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless TTL, it’s instructors, officers and employees, against loss (including reasonable attorney fees) from any and all claims, demands or causes of action of any kind or nature that may hereafter at any time be made or brought by the Member or on Member’s behalf for any known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen bodily or personal injuries, damages to property and consequences thereof which may be sustained by the Member as a direct or indirect result of participating in the aforementioned activities and use of the Facility and/or equipment of TTL. This section shall continue in full force and effect even after the termination of the Member’s Membership with TTL.

Enforceability: The parties agree that if any provision or portion of this Agreement is declared void and unenforceable, such provision or portion of a provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect. Entire Agreement, Governing Law, Attorney Fees: The Member and TTL acknowledge that this Agreement, along with the Rules and Policies, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement can not be amended other than in writing signed by both parties, other than the Rules and Policies which may be amended in accordance therewith. This Agreement shall be governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. In the event either party finds it necessary to commence litigation or other court action to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation or court action shall be entitled to receive their actual attorney’s fees incurred, together with court costs, and other charges from the other party as a part of any ruling or judgment.

Transferable: The Member may transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any of his or her rights, interests and obligations created by this Agreement with TTL consent.  TTL shall have the right to assign or transfer, in whole or in part, this Agreement and all rights, interests and obligations created by it, without the prior written consent of the Member.

Emergency Contact: The Member agrees to provide prompt written notice to TTL of any changes in the Member’s contact information furnished on this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any changes in the Member’s mailing address and emergency contact.

Notice to Member: Do not sign this Agreement until you have read it entirely (all pages). By signing below you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by this Agreement and all of its terms and conditions


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